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Showing posts from July, 2016

Prom 2016

Like many Year 11 students around the country, towards the beginning of July, I had a prom hosted by my school to celebrate the end of GCSEs. Although I don't have all of the photos as I still need to get hold of some of the photos taken on the night, I thought I would share with you my experience and the few photos I do in fact have. Morning I had traveled back from Hexham (where my first week of NCS residential was) the night before, a day early, so I wouldn't be incredibly rushed, meaning I was able to wake up in my own bed for the first time in a week which was the height of luxury. I went in to the bathroom to run the bath, only to discover that the electrician had turned off the boiler to work and so there was no hot water... commence emergency phone call to grandparents. Around 9:45, my grandad came to pick me up and I washed and got ready for my make up appointment at their house - the day wasn't off to a great start but it was rectified. Mid-day I didn...

NCS and Thank You!

Before I start this I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that has read recently; this month, my blog statistics has risen a lot and I am so humbled by this.Obviously, I'm aware that to some, a couple of thousand page views is very low but when I logged on to blogger today, I was astounded at the amount of page views I had had recently and it was a little surreal - when I type up this at home, I never really think that people are actually reading it... Maybe you aren't, you just stumbled here by mistake but either way I am so grateful for all your support, both on here and on my YouTube channel ( particularly to some of the lovely commenters on recent videos; I think the internet can be a fantastic, supportive place if we use it for the right reasons and I hope you've enjoyed reading. Speaking of using the internet for the right reasons (smooth transition, I know) as you may be aware, over the past three weeks, I've been completin...

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