This time last year, I wrote a post all about my 16th birthday and the gifts I kindly received, which people seemed to like, particularly for gift inspiration in the run up to Christmas! This year, I thought I'd do the same, although like most 17 year olds, most of my presents were money towards driving lessons/ insurance/ all the other wonderful car stuff to think about. Again, same disclaimer from last year's: I am not bragging about the presents I received, I am overwhelmingly grateful for anybody that bought me a present/ money, gave me a card or said 'happy birthday' - I had a fantastic birthday this year even if it was a little scary to be turning 17! Where have the years gone? I've not categorised things this year as it would've been slightly harder but I've separated the items I wanted to talk a little more about and then thrown the self explanatory items at the bottom.... enjoy! Holographic creepers and Models Own nail varnish I don...
Herbal tea lover, sporadic writer and Oxford Law student stumbling through life with a smile on my face (most of the time)