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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Books That Made Me

I'm a bookworm and proud. Before I made my YouTube channel private, I made a video defending the Twilight books (or rather all books) using the collection to argue my case that if a book gets someone to read, don't shame them for reading it. I stick by that absolutely. Any reading is beneficial to a person's development, especially when that person is a child. I've been putting off writing this post for a while because quite frankly choosing my favourite books through the years is like choosing a favourite child and it's far too difficult. Therefore, please note that not all of my favourite books will be in here. So maybe you're looking for some holiday reading material, inspiration for books to read to younger children or just fancy reading a nice, wholesome blog post. Here is my life through books. 0-4 Years (1999-2004)   My parents and grandparents always made sure that I read or was read to every day once or twice minimum and some of my favourite memo...

Sixth Form Tips

Hi everyone! If you're in the UK you might be preparing for GCSE results day (good luck) and there's a good chance you'll be planning on starting sixth form in September - you may have already had an induction day or week. A few of you have messaged me on Instagram asking for tips about how to approach Sixth Form so I figured it was a concern for a reasonable amount of readers. Beginning P16 can be quite daunting and I wasn't really sure what to expect so I've put together this post to give you some tips that I've discovered over my time studying A Levels. First up, a little bit of (school) background on me just in case you're new here: I'm a 17 nearly 18 year old about to start Y13 in September at a Sixth Form in a school in North East Derbyshire (although for arguments sake we'll just say near Sheffield). I have been at the school since Y7 however the Sixth Form is quite separate from the rest of the school and so nobody walks in to A Levels ...