A very quick post today but just to announce that I am now part of the That Oxford Girl team!! I'm so excited to be working with Tilly and everyone to improve access to Oxford and share my experiences . My first post will be up soon, so keep an eye out! https://www.thatoxfordgirl.com/that-oxford-girl-blog If you're new, quick note about me . I'm currently a first year Law student at Worcester College, University of Oxford . Coming from a comprehensive school in the North of England, I am really passionate about increasing access to top UK unis and have been getting involved with lots of different projects since arriving to encourage young people to apply! All the best Elle xx
I was looking at my blog the other day and realised that one of the things I wrote my blog was about was being a teenager. I realised that this needs to be changed soon, I'll be 20 in October and past the point where I can chat about what it feels like to be a teenager . To some extent, I feel I am already past this point, I have left school, am legally an adult, can drive and live alone for the majority of the time . When I began blogging, I think I was 13 . I began this blog in 2015 but prior to it, I had another, the name of which I cannot remember and any trace of which is loooong gone . So, as I leave my teenage years, I thought I would reflect back on what is nearly a decade, in the hope that a 13 year old somewhere will read this and at least take something away from it, no matter how small . Without further ado, here is a list of things I would tell my 13 year old self . 1. stop obsessing about your weight You've been conscious of your weight from a very early...