I think every girl had a can (or twenty) of Impulse when they were in primary school. And, if you are like me, it was probably the beginning of your 'I'm growing up and wearing perfume like Mummy' and also the beginning of obsessions over nice smells and morning beauty routines.
So when I received an Impulse gift set for Christmas, I was dubious at first. I thought my days of £1.99 body sprays that I had picked because of the pretty packaging and girl bands on the adverts were over. However, it seems that you can never grow out of Impulse.
Firstly, I'd just like to point some things out about Impulse that are not appreciated when initially used:
1) It's £1.99. And smells brilliant. Need I say more? You shall no longer feel guilty for spending excessive amount on perfume. AND you can buy many.
2) You can slot it in your handbag/school bag.
3) This sounds strange but it never breaks. Sometimes the aerosol breaks on products similar but Impulse has never failed me.
4) The packaging is super duper cute - they have also re-packaged it since I was 10.
5) All of the above again.
So, I received this gift set for Christmas:
So when I received an Impulse gift set for Christmas, I was dubious at first. I thought my days of £1.99 body sprays that I had picked because of the pretty packaging and girl bands on the adverts were over. However, it seems that you can never grow out of Impulse.
Firstly, I'd just like to point some things out about Impulse that are not appreciated when initially used:
1) It's £1.99. And smells brilliant. Need I say more? You shall no longer feel guilty for spending excessive amount on perfume. AND you can buy many.
2) You can slot it in your handbag/school bag.
3) This sounds strange but it never breaks. Sometimes the aerosol breaks on products similar but Impulse has never failed me.
4) The packaging is super duper cute - they have also re-packaged it since I was 10.
5) All of the above again.
So, I received this gift set for Christmas:
From left: Very Pink body spray, toilet bag, Hot Pink shower gel
And I decided rather than worrying about my DKNY, Marc Jacobs and Jean Paul Gautier bottles getting smashed, I would take this. It was like a time vortex. I know I am not very old but sometimes it is really lovely to just be taken back to when life was much simpler. I used to love Very Pink along with True Love and Romantic Spark (back on my shopping list) and I realised quite how practical and brilliant Impulse is.
The toilet/make up bag is brilliant for travelling and I remember Impulse shower gels being lovely too.
I know this post is a bit strange but I do highly recommend repurchasing some of your favourite primary school 'beauty' products and taking a trip down memory lane. I have to say, the purchase has spurred many long conversations about Impulse at lunchtimes!
What were your favourite products?
Elle xxx
P.S. I would like to add I was very grateful for the Christmas gift - when I said I was dubious I didn't mean unappreciative at all.
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