About a year ago I did a speech as part of my GCSE English course. It was about misandry (hating men) and how misandry was often labelled with the brand 'feminism' therefore leading to a negative view (and general misinterpretation) of feminism in the eyes of many; consequently making a laughing stock of anybody that was bold enough to call themselves a 'feminist'.
The fact of the matter is that feminism is as much for men as it is for women, regardless of what 'Tumblr feminists' might tell you. Feminism means equality and making women equal to men is by definition the same as making men equal to women. So frankly you could call it meninism if you really wanted but that might be a little silly.
I know many have said "well I want equality but I'm not a feminist" (Kim Kardashian I'm looking at you) and obviously if that's not something you want to call yourself that's perfectly fine. I don't blame you, someone shouts 'feminism' and gets fired with a million insults.
What I hope we can achieve in the future is a world in which we can eradicate the extreme views of superiority on either side of the gender battle so words such as 'feminism' don't become such buzzwords and can be used for what they really mean and don't attract these stereotypical views.
Because if you think about it, anybody that believes in superiority of women can't stand for equality so can't be a feminist.
So that's why I'm a feminist. Not because I hate men, believe myself to be superior and blame all world issues on anyone with a Y chromosome. Because I'd really appreciate it if everyone was equal. Equal in education, equal in salary, equal in respect. I'd like to think you'd like that too.
Thanks for reading
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